Thursday, August 26, 2004
A Tale of Two Campaigns
Bush uses Iraq Olympic team in ads. Iraq Olympic team complains, say they do not want to be part of Bush ads. Bush Campaign's response:
BUSH CAMP SAYS OLYMPIC AD WILL STAY UP:Kerry uses John McCain in ad. John McCain complains, says he does not want to be part of Kerry ads. Kerry Campaign's response:
"We're on very firm legal ground to mention the Olympics, to make a factual point in a political advertisement," said BC'04 spokesman Scott Stanzel... when the olympics is over the campaign will take the ad down, as scheduled.
KERRY TO TAKE DOWN McCAIN AD:Remember when Al Gore said "no controlling legal authority" and the Republicans threw a fit. Guess what, Scott Stanzel? Most people who complained about your ad thought it was in poor taste; not illegal. Removing it isn't compelled by law; it's compelled by class and a sense of responsibility for the ads supported by your campaign. Obviously, the Bush campaign has none of that.
"We respect John McCain's wishes, and will stop running the ads of him challenging Bush to denounce the attacks on his service. It's long past time that George Bush also take John McCain's advice and do the right thing by putting an end to the smears and lies attacking John Kerry's military service. George Bush needs to say this is wrong, he needs to say it must end," said Kerry spokesperson David Wade.
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